Sunday, May 6, 2012

Module 9: The 39 Clues: Book One ,The Maze of Bones

Book Cover Image

Amy and Dan are part of a family that comes with power and money. But, now that their grandmother has died, they have the option to take $1 million dollars or the 39 clues. 

APA Reference
Riordan, R. (2008). The 39 clues: The maze of bones. New York: NY, Scholastic, Inc. 

My Impressions
I've had students in the past who have loved these books. I think that is why I was drawn to read it. It took a while for me to get into it though. But, once I got into it, it was quite enjoyable. It moved much faster than the beginning. 
Professional Review
In a bold leap forward in marketing strategy, this first book in the 39 Clues series introduces readers to what promises to be a sensational mix of reading, online gaming, card-collecting, and even a grand-prize sweepstakes. The premise of the book: Grace Cahill, matriarch of the world’s most powerful family, dies and leaves behind a challenge to her descendants. They can either inherit one million dollars, or forgo the money and receive the first of 39 clues that will lead them on an around-the-world adventure in search of, well, that’s a secret. But it’s an earth-shattering secret, and with 10 books planned for the series (each by a different author), it had better pay off in the end. Riordan, who has plotted the main arc for the series, gets the ball rolling nicely with likable brother-and-sister heroes, a cast of backstabbing relatives, and a smattering of puzzles and clues to decipher in the quest for the ultimate secret. Whether this intriguing book represents the first major event in a shifting world of publishing, or is simply a clever money- and attention-grabbing ploy remains to be seen, but it will be fascinating to see what kids make of it. (Library edition does not include game cards).
— Ian Chipman
Chipman, I. (2008). Booklist.
Library Uses
It would be interesting for the students to explore and see that occasionally you will get a book series that is not all by the same author. This series is just that. The students can do a online scavenger hunt to find the other authors and locate them in the library. 

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