Sunday, May 6, 2012

Module 5: Ship Breaker

Book Cover Image

Nailer, the main character in Ship Breaker lives in what we would call the future. This is a time where oil is scarce and everyone wants it. In fact, this is Nailer's job. He goes into old oil tankers and searches for pockets of oil that can be retrieved and given to his leader. Nailer later is left after a hurricane hits the area and has to make a choice to rescue a survivor or take the treasure for his own. 

APA Reference
Bacigalupi, P. (2009). Ship Breaker. New York, NY: Hachette Book Group.

My Impressions
I don't understand what makes this book a young adult book other than the characters are young adults. There are lots of mature ideas, not bad ideas or not suitable for young adults necessarily. But, even though I greatly enjoyed the book I don't see a young adult loving it as much as me. Futuristic books are a hit these days, such as The Hunger Games Trilogy. It's definitely a good read, and I would recommend this!

Professional Review
This YA debut by Bacigalupi, a rising star in adult science fiction, presents a dystopian future like so many YA sf novels. What is uncommon, though, is that although Bacigalupi’s future earth is brilliantly imagined and its genesis anchored in contemporary issues, it is secondary to the memorable characters. In a world in which society has stratified, fossil fuels have been consumed, and the seas have risen and drowned coastal cities, Nailer, 17, scavenges beached tankers for scrap metals on the Gulf Coast. Every day, he tries to “make quota” and avoid his violent, drug-addicted father. After he discovers a modern clipper ship washed up on the beach, Nailer thinks his fortune is made, but then he discovers a survivor trapped in the wreckage—the “swank” daughter of a shipping-company owner. Should he slit the girl’s throat and sell her for parts or take a chance and help her? Clearly respecting his audience, Bacigalupi skillfully integrates his world building into the compelling narrative, threading the backstory into the pulsing action. The characters are layered and complex, and their almost unthinkable actions and choices seem totally credible. Vivid, brutal, and thematically rich, this captivating title is sure to win teen fans for the award-winning Bacigalupi.
— Lynn Rutan
Rutan, L. (2010). Booklist.

Library Uses
This book would be good for researching the use of oil and its use as a natural resource. Why is it so important that we have it? Why would it be so valuable if we were to run low on it.

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