Saturday, December 31, 2011

"It's the Holiday Season"

So far my Christmas break has been great. I received a Kindle Touch and I am looking forward to reading more this year. Some set goals for themselves. I will start low and shoot for reading 50 books this year. I'm looking forward to some books that have been recommended. One is a Stephen King book, called 11/22/63. Last year it was in the top ten of many reader's books read in 2011. I think I'll start with that. I am very persuaded to read books that others enjoy.

My best friend and her husband recently bought a house that's about 100 years old.
That's her locking up. 
We've been painting and her husband has been refinishing the upstair hardwood floors. It was an awesome buy for them. I'm excited for their future there. They have already met some pretty amazing neighbors. 

It's been nice visiting with Family and Friends. My cousin recently got married to a lovely girl from Bulgaria. I was able to meet her over the break. 

It's the last night of 2011...time to start thinking about New Year resolutions, I suppose. I'll let you know what I come up with. Do you have any New Year Resolutions for 2012? Are you doing in fixer up projects?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bon Voyage!

Haven't updated in awhile. But, I figure that since I've opened up my blog to my students and parents, I should probably keep up with it.  A lot has happened since my last post. I looked back and saw some of my goals. The number one goal I'll focus on in this post is! MY CRUISE!
I turned 30... (not a goal...but a nonnegotiable) why not celebrate with a cruise! I can check that off my bucket list....if I had one. Next goal, make a bucket list.
The cruise was a blast. We left out of Galveston... we being my myself and my three closest friends, who we'll call K-Love, Dinge, and Kiki. They are the best! I couldn't have chosen a better trio to tag along with on my birthday cruise extravaganza!  Kiki made some awesome t-shirts for us! I got the celebrity treatment when we wore them. Everyone knew it was my birthday, my name, and who was with me!
All in all it was a great get away before the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Dinge especially needed a getaway! She left her hubby with her two kiddos for the first time ever! Way to go dancing queen!

I'll leave you with some of the favorite photos of the ship...

And we're off!

Bon Voyage!

Dinge and I on the Catamaran...headed to our beach excursion.

First night at dinner...

Pictures were a must. (K-Love and Kiki)

At night when the staff turned down our beds, we always had a different towel animal! 

K-Love and Kiki at the beach

Palm Tree

Kiki found a turtle 

Lobster and Shrimp Dinner

Funtogrophy with K-Love and Dinge

K-Love making funny faces

Our waiters gave us a dancing show every night.

Kiki even joined in one night.

My favorite view of the ship!

The Carnival Triumph from Cozumel Coast

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Closing of a Class

Well, it's time to close out my time in my my Masters class. It was called Instructional Materials Production and Use. My first blog about the class was to evaluate and discuss my strengths and weaknesses in technology. I stated that I am a quick learner of new technology but struggle with learning the little details of a technology. If anything, now I feel like there are so many different types of technologies out there that I may not know about. I feel like part of my weakness may be that I will try and guide someone in the right direction when they are seeking information, but I may be missing a newer and better technology that could save them a lot of steps.  I have to find a way to stay updated on the newest internet and information portals. I won't always have a college class to lead me to newer technologies. Thankfully, I work for a school district that provides many opportunity to continue educating myself. The district seems to be pretty well advanced in many technologies. I plan to utilize this as long as they keep offering.
In my class I have created a blog in which I am setting up my classroom library with video reviews of books. After students have read and enjoyed a book they can write up a review and record themselves reading their review. Eventually, my students will be able to go on the class blog and choose a book that they are interested in reading and watch the video for it. Hopefully they will see that other students liked it and they will want to respond by reading it themselves. I'd like to also start a wiki in which my students can respond to skills and information they are learning.
I've learned a great deal in my class this summer and I hope the remaining classes have the same outcome.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Job of Organizing

My professor asks us the question, Organizing books and materials used to be in the domain of professionally trained catalogers and indexers. Now, through Web 2.0, it is in the hands of everyday "folk."What are the implications of this trend for librarians?

I believe that the catalogers and indexers job has expanded. They need to be more knowledgable when it comes to the web. Over the past 2 decades our technologies have become much more broad. It would be silly to have just a computer catalog system within itself. When I say within itself I mean no outside sources, no mashups with other internet or web 2.0 technologies. With the upcoming generations being already so knowledgable in the web and networking, I believe if they tried using only an isolated catalog system they would get frustrated. The searcher would desire to expand beyond the library for research.
The idea of tagging allows the user to find their resources more quickly and thoroughly compared to simply  a subject heading.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Who is Using Who?

I've seen this video several times in the past. It evokes thought on our current cultures and it's use of the computer. By use of the computer I mean the web. Who really gets on the computer anymore and has no use for the web? I don't even have to worry with having Microsoft Applications when I have Google Docs.     Which brings me to the answer of a question my professor has given me. Why do I think the title of the video is the title? The Machine is Us/ing Us. Well I believe we have created (not me personally...I take no initial credit) this computer and the web. Everything we do on it links to other things. We tag pictures of people and things that connects us to other people and things, creating an even bigger web or connection.

I've recently been into a website called If I ever come across a picture on the web I can link it (pin it) back to my account to share with my circle of friends. This is just another new way of linking and connecting with other people on the web.

So all we do on the computer is making the computer smarter. Hopefully we won't create a computer to use legs and arms... oh wait...sounds like a movie I've seen.

Monday, July 4, 2011

$10,000 for Handheld Devices

The following is a blog update scenario given to me for a class.

I have been asked to purchase handheld devices for my library. I have been given a budget of $10,000.  I have thought about a few different devices that I am planning on purchasing. One type of handheld device is the ebook reader. The libraries in our school district have begun to incorporate a digital library. If librarians choose to participate we would need the ebook readers for the students to make use of the digital library. I plan to purchase 4 ebook reader per grade level. We typically have 4 teachers per grade level. If I purchase 28 ebook readers, each teacher will be able to check one out. The teachers could use it as a reward for students to use. This should cost me approximately $6,000.

With the remaining $4,000 I plan to purchase several internet tablets. I would like to purchase ipads in order for the students to access the internet. This way the students could access applications such as Google Maps. The students could view parts of the world they may never see otherwise. They could access the internet and play interactive learning games. I will purchase 7 – 8 ipads. Depending on how much money is left over from the ebooks.

Hopefully these devices will enrich our schoool's library and allow students to learn in different ways. The devices will also be available for teacher check out. The ipads would be available for check out especially for teachers to use at home in order for them to familiarize themselves with the new technology. Hopefully then, the teachers could incorporate the ipads more into their classroom. 

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Summer Camp!

Summer has arrived. Just like clock work, exactly 2 weeks after school is out I am off to Jan Kay Ranch for teen camp. I attended teen camp my sophomore year through my grad year. I've now been going to camp as a counselor since the Summer of 2005. There have been some great memories. Once we were caught in a storm with straight line winds. We were trapped inside a building with no power for a long time and rain most of the week. You're probably thinking, that can't be a great memory. Well, it definitely changed a lot of our plans at camp, but in so many unexpected and wonderful ways. We were able to get to know people we were not intending to get to know. We worshiped in the dark, which can be very...well... I don't know what it can be? But, you should try it. It's almost as if I feel more transparent to God. No one else is looking...well because they can't see you.
I'm excited that my niece and nephew have been going to camp. This will be their 3rd summer. I like that they enjoy it. Honestly, I don't know what draws them back to it. Well, I do I think. God. Yeah, the social aspect of camp is always fun. But, we do a lot of sitting in the Town Hall listening to speakers. Speakers for missions, real life stuff, and bible preachin'. Yeah, a lot meaning like 3 times a day often times for an hour or more each time. I guess my thoughts are...that doesn't sound like a summer camp teens would want to go to because it takes away from their social life. But, surprisingly enough many youngsters like C&B are drawn back each summer. I pray they are touched and moved in ways that will ruin them for life.
Every year I attempt to be a super counselor. Then, I get there and I am always out-shined by one of the others. She's amazing...and the girls all want to be in her cabin. She's got cool snacks, decorations for her themed cabin, goodie bags, sweet tunes for fun a late night dance party, and loads of fun nail polish. Man oh Man...I think I want to be in her cabin too! Well, we'll see how it goes. I look forward to ooing and awwing over your cabin again this year, K! ;)

Here's a few pics from last year at Impact 2010
 B swinging
 My B.F.F. - I'll miss you this year at camp!
B's friend for the week...attached at the hip...we'll miss you this year C!

 The swing that will keep one entertained for hours.
The Lake

Dancing in the rain


Taradacdules  pardon my spelling

Time for banquet 
Oh V...

Rocco, Kiki, & Bam Bam

So here's to another great week at camp! 

Friday, June 10, 2011

Technology Strengths and Weakness

The following is a view of my current strengths and weaknesses in technology as an educator for a class I am enrolled in. 

This past year our school has been able to really reap the benefits of our recent Title I status. We were able to budget for some great new technology. In one year I went from an old time-y overhead projector (transparencies and all) to a state of the art projector, document camera, and a promethean (smart)board. As an educator, I feel like I have a great strength in learning quickly and teaching others when it comes to technology. On the flip side, my weakness would be that I am good at learning the basics, but it takes me longer to figure out all the small details on the "ins and outs" of how a device operates. Eventually, time goes by and I am forced to research the small details. I have found when I do struggle I can turn to Atomic Learning. My school district has provided us full access to the site in order to find answers to common questions with programs and devices we may have in the classroom. 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Here's to Summer

Summer is lurking just around the corner. 9 days with the students and 10 at work! I've got lots of big plans  and Summer Dreams...

Catch up on reading... Here's a few I've got in mind:

Then there's church camp at Jan Kay Ranch with Oasis. 
I love hangin' with the teens...
even these...

Two days...yes TWO DAYS after that it's off to Alaska. Mission in Alaska that is...for 2 weeks!

Though my best friend is from the large state and this visit is nothing much for her...I for one am looking forward to the experience of a lifetime. 
I'd also like to see a beach before the Summer's end. Even if it's Galveston for a few days...

I've got some bitter sweet life changes following the Summer. Not to mention I'm turning 30. Which I plan on celebrating on a...
So there you have it.
As I sat through a worship service this morning we sang this song and I've been singing it all day.  Even though I have these many changes are just around the corner all I want is the Lord's will to be done in me. 

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Yes... I know... It's been a while.
I blame it on the T-WORD. You know... every teachers nightmare. State testing. It's a very mind consuming thing. It makes me moody. Just ask my friends.
Today was the mark of the very near end. If you ask my kids what we call it. They would callit a "pepperally". I then follow with, "who's bringing the pepper?" It's one small thing about my kids that makes me giggle.
Today we did a flash mob at our pep rally. I'm not a dancer, but some teachers will go the extra mile for their students. They'll eat whip cream even though they hate it. I gotta hand it to the teachers at B Elementary. They've got a lot of love and might I add some newly revealed mad dance skills to show for.

Driving home from Sam Walton's Store tonight... I found a new tune my students and I will be jammin' to next Thursday when the dog days of the T-WORD are over.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Break Project

I recently purchased a new television. My old television fit well in a wardrobe from my bedroom furniture.  The new television just wouldn't fit.  It just so happened that we were having a parking lot sale for our upcoming mission trip to Alaska, which we raised a whopping $1300.00! Anyway...I was interested in purchasing a little something I could refinish on my own for my new t.v. This little green monster was screaming at me from the moment I arrived to price things...
I forgot to take a pic before I started stripping...the chest that is. It had 3 drawers with some very plain Jane knobs. 

I converted the top drawer into a shelf for the DVR and such and spray painted her a turquoiseish color.  I'm on a hunt for the perfect knobs.
 I know what I want and it looks a little something like this...

I'm just not willing to pay 28 bucks a piece! OUTRAGEOUS! One knob would cost more than the $25.00 shelf itself.

Oh, yes... and I also purchased this little ditty for $3.00! I've been wanting a little something like a sidetable to put near my doorway. So this little cutie joined the turquoiseish club. The rest of my wood furniture in my apt. has an espresso finish. I thought this would compliment them well with my blueish/turquoiseish accents. 

Got any tips on knobs? Think I could make them?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Dreaded Phone Call

I despise a phone call that can leave you running, speeding, and over thinking to your next destination. The first time I remember a dreaded phone call was when I was 18 and having just graduated from high school. I was at church camp. It was the only year the senior girls were aloud to stay in the "white house" since camp was packed. This is an extreme privilege with full size beds, showers with a tub, and a living room! All very different from the bunk bedded cabins, smelly carpet and see through shower stalls. I remember being in the dining hall when the phone call came. My mother was rushed to the hospital. My mother at the time was 52 years old and in her 13th year of living with the crippling disease, Multiple Sclerosis. By then, she was already confined to the bed and losing what remained of her left hand function. Her dominant (the right) was first to go.  I remember the hallway where I accepted the call. I remember watching the line of teenagers go by watching me, as tears streamed down my face I learned that mom was in the hospital and her kidneys were engulfed in stone and she was losing a lot of blood. I remember wondering if I'd ever see my mom again. Thankfully, the doctors were able to dissolve the stones in surgery and she recovered fully.

Last year, while at work the next one came. I was in my classroom teaching a math lesson. My classroom telephone rang for probably the tenth time that day. My school secretary was on the other end of the line and my Aunt Norma was on hold. The secretary asked if it was okay to put her through. As I waited for the line to ring again I knew something was wrong and my heart immediately began to race. This time it was my dad. He had come home early from work and was now in bed and could not move. Naturally, I thought it could have been a stroke. As I hung up the phone and turned around, in walked another teacher to relieve me. I remember being speechless. She simply said, go. I went. I was driving... no speeding down Beltline Rd. wondering what do I do? My father is the one I always go to in times like these. He's the care giver. He always goes over and beyond with care for his wife.  I arrived at home and much to my fathers disliking I called an ambulance. It's not an easy feeling following a loved one in an ambulance to the hospital. Fortunately, this is another story that happens to have a good ending. He had an extreme case of vertigo and was able to go home that evening.

A week ago, at the end of the day I just happened to pick up my cell phone to send a coworker a text when I saw I had a missed call and a text from my Dad. It was unusual for that time of day. All the text said was "call me as soon as you can." Immediately, my heart began to race. I called my dad and the unthinkable had happened to my mother. Her nurse had somehow dropped her and my mother had a possible broken shoulder. Again, I found myself speeding down Beltline Rd. The outcome is not final on this one. Tomorrow we go to the doctor to see what to officially do about the break. I'm nervous. She hasn't sat in a wheelchair since before the accident. I pray she can stand it.

It's not an easy transition as my parents get older and I begin to make the decisions - sometimes even for them. It's bittersweet when my dad asks for advice on how to handle my mother's current situation. It's responsibility I'm willing to take at a moments notices yet, wish I never had to.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I'm Gonna Let It Shine

I've been pondering a lot lately about sharing. The spark of the thought began at Student Conference a.k.a. Planet Wisdom a.k.a. PWiz. The lead singer of the band who lead worship that weekend told us about his church having a theme each year. This year's theme this year is to share. They were encouraged to share their faith wherever they are and daily. He began to tell us of a time he was in a bookstore and thinking about his pastor's challenge to share. Before the singer entered the bookstore he prayed that he would be able to share with someone. Long story short...God was listening. He was able to share with a man of another faith.
The very next day at my home church the fire began to ignite as my pastor was preaching on Luke 10. You can't help but hear the  message of sharing in "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out the workers into his harvest field." My pastor prompted on more than one occasion to share that day.
Today, a week later, I would have thought that Martha Hartley had read my mind and decided I needed a song to go along with my thoughts of sharing. Martha often comes to me with a song she's heard on the radio and a request for me to sing it. She hit the nail on the head with this one. She asked if I had heard "This Little Light of Mine". I chuckled and said, "of course!" She proceeded to inform this version was much different than the one we teach the children. The version she was referring to is sung by Addison Road. Mrs. Hartley has great taste in music for her age and her song request is just the kindle I needed for my flame.
This past week we purchased our tickets to Alaska for our "Mission in Alaska". This was huge for our team. Knowing that we have our tickets is making it much more real in my mind. It's got me thinking a lot about our purpose in the village we will be ministering to. Hopefully, we can share a message of hope to the children and adults. Maybe our message will go a little like the song from Martha... "There will be days when you wanna give up, when the clouds settle in, after the rain comes the Son... don't forget.
One day there will be no more pain, and we will finally see Jesus' face. So until then, I'm gonna try to brave the dark and let my little light shine."
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
Someone recently asked me what I was going to give up for lent this year. I think I have finally decided. I'm going to give up darkness. I hope to share and let my little light shine.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Life's Snags

 Monday's workday was a typical day with the students. It was after work that things became eventful.  I made my way over to the local Mister Carwash to get Shavodka (my Ford Edge named by my friends) cleaned up and have the oil changed. I dread getting my oil changed. In fact, I dread taking my car for maintenance and repairs, period! I wish it would magically be done all on it's own. Each time I get my oil changed, I can always expect the mechanic to come into the waiting room seeking me out,  dirty air filter in hand, telling me I really should do this and that, so Shavodka can have a long healthy life. Most of the time I kindly decline. So after feeling like my time was done, Mister Mechanic came back to inform me that Shavodka would not start. Mister M proceeded to instruct me to take her to AutoZone for a new battery. Mister Mechanic was able to restart her with jumper cables. Communication must have not been high on their priority list. Each time Shavodka went to another station at the carwash in the hands of another she was turned off. To my amusement, another jump was needed. I finally made it over to AutoZone where a nice gentlemen replaced my battery after a great deal of struggle. One hour later my car was mostly clean with a $90.00 fresh battery.

Next, I headed to Target and on to Chick-Fil-A. I decided to run in for my food since the drive-thru was wrapped around the building several hundred times. As I was leaving, a man around the age of 80 was leaning against a car with one shoe off. A young lady was standing near him holding a few bags of food. I walked to my car, but continued watching the situation. I then saw that the young girl was gone and the older fellow was still struggling in an odd position against the car. I hopped out and asked if he was okay. He stated in broken sentences that he was not okay and thought he had broken his hip. I immediately stated we needed to call an ambulance. He proceeded to be very concerned about his needing to get in his car to be taken back home to his wife. I believe he was in such a great shock that he could only point in the direction of his home. Eventually the girl came back with several people including a manager. By now, a crowd had begun to gather. Some were waiting to get into their cars around us, asking to help, or just watching with wide eyes. Finally, I was able to get Mr. Winkler's name out of him and that he lived in care center not too far away. A bystander called the paramedics and we were able to find a chair for Mr. Winkler to sit in the best possible way for a fresh broken hip. As the paramedics arrived, I slipped away praying Mr. Winkler would be able to heal quickly and continue making future trips to retrieve dinner for his dear wife. I have a feeling this was not in his evening plans either.

As I drove home I was thinking about how my evening turned into something I never expected. Life can happen this way. It can happen in wonderful ways or horrible ways. I'm so thankfully that I have a God that never changes. I feel like I have really had to grow up the past several years. I've had many ups and downs. More often down, finding myself sick with an illness normally found in the elderly. I get frustrated at the moment a car battery dies or bad news comes from a friend just diagnosed with cancer. As I look back on times like these, I'm thankful for health and more so for a God who will never leave us or forsake us.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Quote of the Day

"But I've always found that the better the book I'm reading, the smarter I feel, or, at least, the more able I am to imagine that I might, someday, become smarter."

Francine Prose
Reading Like a Writer

Just Dance....It'll Be Okay

Driving home last night after staying out as long as I could stand, I was pulling into my apartment complex and I couldn't help but think, here I go to my cave for a few more days. The ice is back and it is cold. 

So, here I sit contemplating the Sweetheart Dance the Student Council is hosting for the 4th-6th graders. I can't help but reminisce about the day of my 6th grade dance. Slow dancing to All-4-One's "I Swear" with a cutie named Francisco. No didn't go past the dance. But, this has me curious as to how times have changed? Will they slow dance and remember that day, that song, that boy band, that boy's name in 17 years? These kids seem so young. You know, because I was so mature in 6th grade. Ha, no. But, I did grow up a lot that year. It was actually my least favorite year. The year of the "mean girls". It all worked out though. We all made up. I often believe it's because they learned I was able to sing. 

I remember it like it was yesterday. Late one night Becky and I were singing in my bedroom and she said "hey you're pretty good... you should try out for choir." The next day on the playground, Becky gathered a few of the "mean girls' around to here me belt a few lines of Reba's "Take It Back". Instantly, I wasn't the outcast... I was cool. Eventually, I tried out for choir and stuck with it throughout high school. 

Middle school and high school were nice because in my hometown many elementary schools feed into the middle school. It was a relief to have a whole new set of friends. Now, I don't really tell people I sing. It defined me for a long time, I thought. I choose now to use it simply as a gift. I sing at church and an occasional wedding. That's about it. Unless I'm re-creating lyrics and dances to a popular song for a TAKS pep rally for my students. Even then, it's not necessarily going to win me over in a popularity contest. In fact, I will probably get some chuckles of embarrassment rather than oooh's and ahhh's. 

So once again, here I sit thinking about the Sweetheart Dance. Think the kids will appreciate a little All-4-One or Reba McEntire? Probably not. 

Friday, February 4, 2011

Here's to Change!

Four days inside an apartment "due to inclement weather conditions" causes one to go stir crazy. So, I decided to start something I never thought I would. I'm not sure what changed my mind? I always had the notion that one who had a blog reveals too much personal information. Maybe they do... maybe I will.

I enjoy writing. But, I don't claim to be an expert or even good. So, I guess that in itself is why I may give this a shot.

I sort of feel like I'm going through a new phase of life. Things are a changin'.
I've started my Masters. My frame of mind is no longer focused on teaching. I'm thinking about information I never really thought would be interesting. I find myself to be a bit surprised at times by this. I guess that's part of change.