Sunday, March 6, 2011

I'm Gonna Let It Shine

I've been pondering a lot lately about sharing. The spark of the thought began at Student Conference a.k.a. Planet Wisdom a.k.a. PWiz. The lead singer of the band who lead worship that weekend told us about his church having a theme each year. This year's theme this year is to share. They were encouraged to share their faith wherever they are and daily. He began to tell us of a time he was in a bookstore and thinking about his pastor's challenge to share. Before the singer entered the bookstore he prayed that he would be able to share with someone. Long story short...God was listening. He was able to share with a man of another faith.
The very next day at my home church the fire began to ignite as my pastor was preaching on Luke 10. You can't help but hear the  message of sharing in "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out the workers into his harvest field." My pastor prompted on more than one occasion to share that day.
Today, a week later, I would have thought that Martha Hartley had read my mind and decided I needed a song to go along with my thoughts of sharing. Martha often comes to me with a song she's heard on the radio and a request for me to sing it. She hit the nail on the head with this one. She asked if I had heard "This Little Light of Mine". I chuckled and said, "of course!" She proceeded to inform this version was much different than the one we teach the children. The version she was referring to is sung by Addison Road. Mrs. Hartley has great taste in music for her age and her song request is just the kindle I needed for my flame.
This past week we purchased our tickets to Alaska for our "Mission in Alaska". This was huge for our team. Knowing that we have our tickets is making it much more real in my mind. It's got me thinking a lot about our purpose in the village we will be ministering to. Hopefully, we can share a message of hope to the children and adults. Maybe our message will go a little like the song from Martha... "There will be days when you wanna give up, when the clouds settle in, after the rain comes the Son... don't forget.
One day there will be no more pain, and we will finally see Jesus' face. So until then, I'm gonna try to brave the dark and let my little light shine."
This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine.
Someone recently asked me what I was going to give up for lent this year. I think I have finally decided. I'm going to give up darkness. I hope to share and let my little light shine.

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