So you must wonder what I do with all my time? It's actually quite easy. I go to lunch with friends, shop, read, and shhhh...I go to my classroom. (But, don't tell my friends at work that) Some of them tend to think I'm what the Kardashians call kra-kra. Believe it or not I can think more clearly about the next year during the summer. My mind is free from the dirty t word...testing.
In my free time I decided to try and do a project a week...err...every two weeks.
So my first project was pretty quick and simple. (oh and most of these ideas came from pinterest of course)
I got this first project from the blogger from Simply Living
Here's what she did...

So I went along the same lines...except I just used clear tape rather than Mod Podge. This way I didn't end up with the wrinkles.
Thanks for the great idea for my old junkie drawers Jen!
Here's Mine...
I changed my color scheme in my room so I might change out the bottom. The picture really doesn't do it justice. The lighting in the room wasn't great...
So this was my first project...I have done others, but I'll have to post later...After all it's the 4th of July! Time to go hang on the porch and watch some fireworks!
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