Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Job of Organizing

My professor asks us the question, Organizing books and materials used to be in the domain of professionally trained catalogers and indexers. Now, through Web 2.0, it is in the hands of everyday "folk."What are the implications of this trend for librarians?

I believe that the catalogers and indexers job has expanded. They need to be more knowledgable when it comes to the web. Over the past 2 decades our technologies have become much more broad. It would be silly to have just a computer catalog system within itself. When I say within itself I mean no outside sources, no mashups with other internet or web 2.0 technologies. With the upcoming generations being already so knowledgable in the web and networking, I believe if they tried using only an isolated catalog system they would get frustrated. The searcher would desire to expand beyond the library for research.
The idea of tagging allows the user to find their resources more quickly and thoroughly compared to simply  a subject heading.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Who is Using Who?

I've seen this video several times in the past. It evokes thought on our current cultures and it's use of the computer. By use of the computer I mean the web. Who really gets on the computer anymore and has no use for the web? I don't even have to worry with having Microsoft Applications when I have Google Docs.     Which brings me to the answer of a question my professor has given me. Why do I think the title of the video is the title? The Machine is Us/ing Us. Well I believe we have created (not me personally...I take no initial credit) this computer and the web. Everything we do on it links to other things. We tag pictures of people and things that connects us to other people and things, creating an even bigger web or connection.

I've recently been into a website called If I ever come across a picture on the web I can link it (pin it) back to my account to share with my circle of friends. This is just another new way of linking and connecting with other people on the web.

So all we do on the computer is making the computer smarter. Hopefully we won't create a computer to use legs and arms... oh wait...sounds like a movie I've seen.

Monday, July 4, 2011

$10,000 for Handheld Devices

The following is a blog update scenario given to me for a class.

I have been asked to purchase handheld devices for my library. I have been given a budget of $10,000.  I have thought about a few different devices that I am planning on purchasing. One type of handheld device is the ebook reader. The libraries in our school district have begun to incorporate a digital library. If librarians choose to participate we would need the ebook readers for the students to make use of the digital library. I plan to purchase 4 ebook reader per grade level. We typically have 4 teachers per grade level. If I purchase 28 ebook readers, each teacher will be able to check one out. The teachers could use it as a reward for students to use. This should cost me approximately $6,000.

With the remaining $4,000 I plan to purchase several internet tablets. I would like to purchase ipads in order for the students to access the internet. This way the students could access applications such as Google Maps. The students could view parts of the world they may never see otherwise. They could access the internet and play interactive learning games. I will purchase 7 – 8 ipads. Depending on how much money is left over from the ebooks.

Hopefully these devices will enrich our schoool's library and allow students to learn in different ways. The devices will also be available for teacher check out. The ipads would be available for check out especially for teachers to use at home in order for them to familiarize themselves with the new technology. Hopefully then, the teachers could incorporate the ipads more into their classroom.