Sunday, January 8, 2012

If you've had a conversation with me lately, you've probably thought to yourself..."geez, could you stop talking about books already!" Man, I think that about myself too sometimes. But, I've got books on the brain!
I DID get a compliment from a teacher friend this week. Over lunch, I was naturally going on about this book and that... She asked, "You're getting your Masters in Library, right?" I gladly said, "yep." She then went on to compliment me in saying she could picture me doing that. "Sitting in my library with the kiddos huddled around listening to me read to them." I wasn't so sure I could really picture myself doing it, to tell you the truth. Thanks for the compliment TC!

But, Holy Cow! I can't wait for the day! I do love being in the classroom, with the exception of the "red tape".  Which is a totally different topic for another day. My dreams of being in a library, reading to kiddos and also reading the latest Bluebonnet list. It may sound lame to some of you...but, it sounds heavenly to me.

Which brings to me to a little bit more about my latest obsession about reading. I have been on this website called Here's my site:
This is an excellent site for me or anyone else to keep track of book the are reading, want to read, or have read. You can rate 'em, review 'em... and all that fancy shmancy stuff. All the cool librarians are doing it. Since I'm destined to be a librarian... well...I gotta hang with the cool ones!

Another feature goodreads has is a yearly reading goal you can set for yourself. I have absolutely NO clue how many books I have ever read in a year or what would be a good goal to set for myself. The cool librarians are throwing out numbers like 112 for the year 2012 or one person who set a goal of 601! Geez Louise! I know for a fact that I can't do that while teaching. So I set my goal at 75.  Averaged out, that's about 6.25 books a month. It's January and I have read 2 and half. We shall see how this works out taking my Masters classes and teaching. Sometimes I get in reading ruts and I have no desire to pick up or concentrate on a book. Usually this happens when I'm super busy. I also feel guilty about reading when I have papers to grade or Masters homework. It's a lofty goal, but we shall see, we shall see.

So what am I reading these days...

I am currently reading a book that was written by the brother of K-Love... (You remember K-Love from the cruise). I must say it is totally different reading a book by someone I know. It's a good different though.
Books that are set locally also peek my interest. This book does just that... St. Peter's Brewery is set in a small Texas town in an old church that has been converted into a local bar. Jimmy tells his story of finding friends and finding God in this local bar. So good.

What have you been reading lately? Have you read a book by someone you know? Maybe your obsessed with something else lately? Leave me a note with your thoughts! I'd love to hear.

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