Friday, June 10, 2011

Technology Strengths and Weakness

The following is a view of my current strengths and weaknesses in technology as an educator for a class I am enrolled in. 

This past year our school has been able to really reap the benefits of our recent Title I status. We were able to budget for some great new technology. In one year I went from an old time-y overhead projector (transparencies and all) to a state of the art projector, document camera, and a promethean (smart)board. As an educator, I feel like I have a great strength in learning quickly and teaching others when it comes to technology. On the flip side, my weakness would be that I am good at learning the basics, but it takes me longer to figure out all the small details on the "ins and outs" of how a device operates. Eventually, time goes by and I am forced to research the small details. I have found when I do struggle I can turn to Atomic Learning. My school district has provided us full access to the site in order to find answers to common questions with programs and devices we may have in the classroom. 

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