Saturday, December 31, 2011

"It's the Holiday Season"

So far my Christmas break has been great. I received a Kindle Touch and I am looking forward to reading more this year. Some set goals for themselves. I will start low and shoot for reading 50 books this year. I'm looking forward to some books that have been recommended. One is a Stephen King book, called 11/22/63. Last year it was in the top ten of many reader's books read in 2011. I think I'll start with that. I am very persuaded to read books that others enjoy.

My best friend and her husband recently bought a house that's about 100 years old.
That's her locking up. 
We've been painting and her husband has been refinishing the upstair hardwood floors. It was an awesome buy for them. I'm excited for their future there. They have already met some pretty amazing neighbors. 

It's been nice visiting with Family and Friends. My cousin recently got married to a lovely girl from Bulgaria. I was able to meet her over the break. 

It's the last night of 2011...time to start thinking about New Year resolutions, I suppose. I'll let you know what I come up with. Do you have any New Year Resolutions for 2012? Are you doing in fixer up projects?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bon Voyage!

Haven't updated in awhile. But, I figure that since I've opened up my blog to my students and parents, I should probably keep up with it.  A lot has happened since my last post. I looked back and saw some of my goals. The number one goal I'll focus on in this post is! MY CRUISE!
I turned 30... (not a goal...but a nonnegotiable) why not celebrate with a cruise! I can check that off my bucket list....if I had one. Next goal, make a bucket list.
The cruise was a blast. We left out of Galveston... we being my myself and my three closest friends, who we'll call K-Love, Dinge, and Kiki. They are the best! I couldn't have chosen a better trio to tag along with on my birthday cruise extravaganza!  Kiki made some awesome t-shirts for us! I got the celebrity treatment when we wore them. Everyone knew it was my birthday, my name, and who was with me!
All in all it was a great get away before the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Dinge especially needed a getaway! She left her hubby with her two kiddos for the first time ever! Way to go dancing queen!

I'll leave you with some of the favorite photos of the ship...

And we're off!

Bon Voyage!

Dinge and I on the Catamaran...headed to our beach excursion.

First night at dinner...

Pictures were a must. (K-Love and Kiki)

At night when the staff turned down our beds, we always had a different towel animal! 

K-Love and Kiki at the beach

Palm Tree

Kiki found a turtle 

Lobster and Shrimp Dinner

Funtogrophy with K-Love and Dinge

K-Love making funny faces

Our waiters gave us a dancing show every night.

Kiki even joined in one night.

My favorite view of the ship!

The Carnival Triumph from Cozumel Coast