Saturday, June 18, 2011

Summer Camp!

Summer has arrived. Just like clock work, exactly 2 weeks after school is out I am off to Jan Kay Ranch for teen camp. I attended teen camp my sophomore year through my grad year. I've now been going to camp as a counselor since the Summer of 2005. There have been some great memories. Once we were caught in a storm with straight line winds. We were trapped inside a building with no power for a long time and rain most of the week. You're probably thinking, that can't be a great memory. Well, it definitely changed a lot of our plans at camp, but in so many unexpected and wonderful ways. We were able to get to know people we were not intending to get to know. We worshiped in the dark, which can be very...well... I don't know what it can be? But, you should try it. It's almost as if I feel more transparent to God. No one else is looking...well because they can't see you.
I'm excited that my niece and nephew have been going to camp. This will be their 3rd summer. I like that they enjoy it. Honestly, I don't know what draws them back to it. Well, I do I think. God. Yeah, the social aspect of camp is always fun. But, we do a lot of sitting in the Town Hall listening to speakers. Speakers for missions, real life stuff, and bible preachin'. Yeah, a lot meaning like 3 times a day often times for an hour or more each time. I guess my thoughts are...that doesn't sound like a summer camp teens would want to go to because it takes away from their social life. But, surprisingly enough many youngsters like C&B are drawn back each summer. I pray they are touched and moved in ways that will ruin them for life.
Every year I attempt to be a super counselor. Then, I get there and I am always out-shined by one of the others. She's amazing...and the girls all want to be in her cabin. She's got cool snacks, decorations for her themed cabin, goodie bags, sweet tunes for fun a late night dance party, and loads of fun nail polish. Man oh Man...I think I want to be in her cabin too! Well, we'll see how it goes. I look forward to ooing and awwing over your cabin again this year, K! ;)

Here's a few pics from last year at Impact 2010
 B swinging
 My B.F.F. - I'll miss you this year at camp!
B's friend for the week...attached at the hip...we'll miss you this year C!

 The swing that will keep one entertained for hours.
The Lake

Dancing in the rain


Taradacdules  pardon my spelling

Time for banquet 
Oh V...

Rocco, Kiki, & Bam Bam

So here's to another great week at camp! 

Friday, June 10, 2011

Technology Strengths and Weakness

The following is a view of my current strengths and weaknesses in technology as an educator for a class I am enrolled in. 

This past year our school has been able to really reap the benefits of our recent Title I status. We were able to budget for some great new technology. In one year I went from an old time-y overhead projector (transparencies and all) to a state of the art projector, document camera, and a promethean (smart)board. As an educator, I feel like I have a great strength in learning quickly and teaching others when it comes to technology. On the flip side, my weakness would be that I am good at learning the basics, but it takes me longer to figure out all the small details on the "ins and outs" of how a device operates. Eventually, time goes by and I am forced to research the small details. I have found when I do struggle I can turn to Atomic Learning. My school district has provided us full access to the site in order to find answers to common questions with programs and devices we may have in the classroom.