Sunday, May 22, 2011

Here's to Summer

Summer is lurking just around the corner. 9 days with the students and 10 at work! I've got lots of big plans  and Summer Dreams...

Catch up on reading... Here's a few I've got in mind:

Then there's church camp at Jan Kay Ranch with Oasis. 
I love hangin' with the teens...
even these...

Two days...yes TWO DAYS after that it's off to Alaska. Mission in Alaska that is...for 2 weeks!

Though my best friend is from the large state and this visit is nothing much for her...I for one am looking forward to the experience of a lifetime. 
I'd also like to see a beach before the Summer's end. Even if it's Galveston for a few days...

I've got some bitter sweet life changes following the Summer. Not to mention I'm turning 30. Which I plan on celebrating on a...
So there you have it.
As I sat through a worship service this morning we sang this song and I've been singing it all day.  Even though I have these many changes are just around the corner all I want is the Lord's will to be done in me.